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At the Heart of Villa
JK3 Girl with a large white bow in her hair concentrates on coloring
At Villa We Are Strong in Faith
Middle School candlebearers in white albs prepare to enter the Chapel for Mass.
At Villa Hearts are Inspired
JK4 Girls share a book.
At Villa Minds are Stretched
High School girl in maroon cardigan takes notes in class.
At Villa Imaginations Grow
Audrey JK3 works at play tool station.
At Villa We Find Purpose
High School girls carrying bright red backpack enters West Door.
At Villa We Embrace Challenge
Second grade boy works at his desk.
At Villa Bonds are Forged
High School girls enjoy a walk along the Front Lawn.
At Villa Leaders are Born
High Schoolers stand at the tower railing and look out over the front lawn.
At Villa Joy Abounds
Nearly a dozen lower school students stack together on plastic playground slide


We believe that a transformational education is made even stronger when a student truly knows and embraces their God given gifts.

Whether boys and girls in our Lower School or young women in our Upper School, Villa Duchesne students learn in a community where academics and spiritual development are inextricably linked. As a result, their minds are stretched and their hearts are inspired, deepening the relevance and resonance of every lesson.

Because when we educate the whole student in this way, they develop both the academic and self-knowledge to change the world.

Lower school boy in prayerful contemplation.

Our Values

Have Faith

We have a personal and active faith in God that serves as the foundation of all that we do. Strong and secure in our faith, we express gratitude, practice self-awareness, and seek to find our purpose.

  • faith
Middle School student measuring in Science lab.

Our Values

Seek to Understand

At Villa Duchesne, we encourage personal growth in an atmosphere of wise freedom. We seek to not only attain knowledge but to deeply understand the worlds and our fellow humans so that we may make a meaningful impact through faith and love.

  • seek
Lower school girls building a friendship to last a lifetime!

Our Values

Build Community

Community building is at the heart of Villa Duchesne. We forge meaningful friendships and seek to be positive forces in our local and global communities.

  • build
High School student attentively listens in class.

Our Values

Ask Hard Questions

We have a deep respect for intellectual values. We seek to become confident learners and creative problem solvers who persevere through adversity. We ask hard questions, whether academic or philosophical, and actively pursue opportunities for growth.

  • ask
Lower School boy tending to the school chickens.

Our Values

Look Beyond

We pursue a social awareness which impels us to action. We see the dignity in all and advocate passionately with open hearts to make the world a better place. 

  • beyond

School Calendar

Voices of Villa

2024 Stubblefield Interns Mia Favazza '22, Giuliana Vacca '21, Caroline Schneithorst '21, and Bella Fehl '22.

We are always looking for ways to support our Villa Alumnae after they graduate, and one of the most successful programs we have is the Stubblefield Alumnae Internship. We welcome interns to campus to work side-by-side with administrators and staff, completing work that helps Villa advance our Sacred Heart Mission and provides invaluable experience for the next step in the intern's careers.

Read More about Stubblefield Alumnae Endowed Internship Program
Heidi Fesler '25 and Katie Crump '25 sign to play for Washington University and  Ohio State, respectively.

We celebrated two incredible students, leaders, and athletes as they signed their letters of intent to play their sports at the collegiate level! Congratulations to Katie Crump ’25, who will play Division 1 field hockey at Ohio State University, and Heidi Fesler ’25, who will play soccer at Washington University. 

Read More about National Signing Day 2024
Lower School students working diligently at their school desks.

Let’s think about the idea of innate trust—the idea that trust isn’t earned, but rather that your inherent goodness is known and honored. How might hearing the words, “I have faith in you,” impact your decision-making? Or the words, “I have confidence in you”?

Read More about The Idea of Innate Trust
Heidi Fesler '25 and her pink stuffed monkey and bananas painting at St. Louis Artists Guild's 2023 Young Artists’ Showcase

Heidi Fesler ’25 is pictured with her painting of Booney, which was featured in the Young Artists’ Showcase at the St. Louis Artists’ Guild. Heidi said, “I decided to paint my childhood all-time favorite stuffed animal, Booney, for my second still life project of the year.

Read More about My Teacher Inspired Me
Middle school girls in maroon cardigans and plaid skirts outside the icon 1929 Main Building

Everything we do at Villa is guided by the Goals and Criteria of Sacred Heart education. Our daily life animates the goals, and the goals inspire us to be the best possible school for our students. The Sacred Heart Goals Prayer simplifies the goals in a beautiful way...

Read More about Goals Prayer
Villa Alum and Social Studies Faculty Lily Carse working in class with middle school students.

"My Sacred Heart education at Villa was a life-changing experience. The relationships I formed when I was a student at Villa kept me connected to the school and my experience as a student. When I had the opportunity to come back to Villa as a summer intern, the choice was easy. ...

Read More about Returning Home
