Network of Sacred Heart Schools
From the time they come to us, our students embark upon a Sacred Heart journey. Whether as a junior kindergartener ready to explore in the classroom; a middle schooler climbing new academic heights; or a high schooler gazing at the college horizon—we partner with families to serve as trusted guides on this journey.
Villa Duchesne is a member of the Network of Sacred Heart Schools. Guided by the global vision of St. Madeleine Sophie Barat, the Network of Sacred Heart Schools is an association of Catholic, independent schools and the Province, which advances the mission of the Society of the Sacred Heart. The Network provides services and programs that promote and stimulate creative education and leadership framed by the Goals and Criteria for Sacred Heart Schools in the United States and Canada.
While five goals and their criterion unite the 25 full-member schools of the Network in the United States and Canada, the schools enjoy an even wider affiliation with the people and institutions associated with the Society of the Sacred Heart in 41 countries around the globe. This truly international character of Sacred Heart education helps to foster an important global awareness in our students as we strive to build a more just world.
The Network provides a means for mutual support and development among the schools through sharing of intellectual, spiritual, and other resources in furthering the mission of the Society of the Sacred Heart. Member schools have numerous opportunities for collaboration. Faculty, staff, administrators, and trustees participate in national Network workshops and seminars. Students benefit from Network summer service programs, national and international exchange programs, group conferences, and opportunities to use shared technology resources.