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Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School

Family Individualized Tuition

A Sacred Heart education at Villa Duchesne is a transformative experience. We believe that students who are seeking a Sacred Heart education and ready to make the most of their school experience should not see tuition as a barrier.

Villa's Family Individualized Tuition Program (FIT) makes this possible! More than 34% of our families currently receive individualized tuition, and families from 62 zip codes in the region and across the economic spectrum have found their home at Villa Duchesne. All of our students strengthen our school community with their gifts and talents!

Tuition at Villa Duchesne

This chart reflects the top tier of tuition for each grade level and serves as a starting point as you think about participating in FIT. 

Grade  |  Top Tuition 2025-2026

JK3 3 half days (M, W, F) | $8,900
JK3 3 full days (M, W, F) | $12,335
JK3 3 full days/2 half days | $18,235

JK3/JK4 5 half days | $14,830
JK3/JK4 5 full days | $20,510

Grades K-4 | $23,675
Grades 5-6 | $24,670
Grades 7-12 | $29,820

Family Individualized Tuition Application Process

  1. Applications opened September 1, 2024, for the 2025-26 school year. Current Villa families should submit their FIT applications by December 31, 2024. The preferred deadline for new families to apply for FIT for the 2025-26 school year is January 31, 2025, for all grade levels except ninth grade. The preferred deadline for ninth grade FIT applications is November 12, 2024. Even if you are learning about FIT after one of these dates, please submit a FIT application! We continue to accept and review applications after the deadline if funds are available, but we give priority to families who apply by the deadline.
  2. To prepare to apply, collect the required supporting documents: most recent paystubs and W-2 forms for all jobs; most recently filed tax return (1040, 1040A, 1040EZ with all schedules), most recently filed Business Tax return if applicable, and any supplemental income documentation (social security, welfare, food stamps, child support, 1099M forms, workers compensation, unemployment, veterans benefits, etc.).
  3. Visit Villa's FACTS Grant & Aid Assessment website and create an account or log in if you already have an account.
  4. Complete the required information and submit the required documentation.
  5. Once your information is processed, Villa Duchesne will receive a recommendation from FACTS, and that recommendation will be reviewed by our FIT Committee. Using the recommendation and all other qualitative information provided by the family, the FIT Committee will determine a sustainable rate of tuition that prioritizes tuition as a top financial commitment but does not exceed your budget. Fairness and confidentiality are at the heart of this process.
  6. If you have questions about FIT, email If you have questions about the FACTS application, you can contact FACTS family support at 1.866.315.9262.

FIT Scenarios

Questions about FIT?

Ms. Cindy Hails
Director of Finance