Our student support professionals work closely with teachers to develop new methods of instruction within the dynamic expectations of a college preparatory curriculum. In our work with students, we emphasize skill building, helping them create a toolbox of approaches to meet their individual needs.
Care Teams
Our division-specific care teams meet weekly to ensure consistency in our support of any students who may be struggling academically, socially, or emotionally. Care teams take a collaborative approach using best practice strategies to ensure that the needs of students are effectively addressed.
Learning Specialist
Villa’s dedicated Learning Specialist is available to support all students, JK3 – grade 12, with learning challenges. The Learning Specialist will approve and implement accommodations for students with diagnosed learning needs. The Learning Specialist collaborates with teachers, counselors, families, and outside professionals to implement a plan of approach for each student. Learning plans are put in place for students with diagnosed learning disabilities or mental health disorders to minimize barriers to learning. We strive to empower students to learn strategies that they can use for academic and social success at Villa and for the rest of their lives. The Learning Specialist works collaboratively with the Care Team to identify and address any concerns.
Villa provides limited accommodations for students with diagnosed learning needs. Please carefully review this list and consult with the Principal and the Learning Specialist if you have questions. There are accommodations that Villa is unable to provide. Villa does not offer testing in a separate location or one-on-one testing unless the student is testing with a reader. Our Upper School classes are 75 minutes long, and tests are designed to take 30-35 minutes. With small class sizes and longer classes, we can accommodate extended time and the need for reduced distraction within the regular classroom. Students with approved extended time on standardized tests will take those tests in a small group setting with other students who have the same accommodations.
Common Diagnoses and Learning Accommodations offered at Villa
- 50% extended time on exams and standardized tests
- reduced distraction environment
Specific Learning Disorder in Reading
- 50% extended time on exams and standardized tests
- Reduced distraction environment
- Depending on the diagnosis, students can qualify for a reader for in-class tests and standardized tests
Specific Learning Disorder in Writing
- 50% extended time on exams and standardized tests
- Reduced distraction environment
- 50% extended time on exams and standardized tests
- Reduced distraction environment
- Reader for exams and standardized tests
- World Language Waiver (please note: this accommodation is only offered in instances of a severe Dyslexia diagnosis. Some universities will not accept students without two years of a world language).
Specific Learning Disorder in Math
- 50% extended time on exams and standardized tests
- Reduced distraction environment
- Access to the school counselor as needed
- 50% extended time on exams and standardized tests
- Reduced distraction environment
- Access to the school nurse or counselor as needed.
Additional accommodations, depending on the diagnosis
- Standardized tests over multiple days
- 100% extended time
- Paper tests
Contact Villa’s Learning Specialist Erin Gunn at egunn@villa1929.org or 314.810.3517 if you have any questions.