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Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School

Spiritual Life

Campus Ministry at Villa Duchesne seeks to enhance and nurture the spiritual life of the student body through worship and personal faith programming which is meaningful, prayerful, and engaging for spiritual seekers of the 21st century. 

The Campus Ministers collaborate with other Sacred Heart educators and students to respond to the spiritual needs of the various ages and stages of life on our campus. Inspired by the charism of the Society of the Sacred Heart, each person brings wisdom, experience, and enthusiasm to do God's work to discover and reveal the love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Ministry happens in intentional ways and just by chance; through planned activities and through simple presence and listening.  Ensuring that students are known and loved through this relational ministry enlivens Goal 1 of the Goals and Criteria for Sacred Heart Schools in the United States and Canada.

Upper School Campus Minister
& Education to Mission Chair

Mrs. Jen MacArthur, MSW

Lower School Campus Minister

Mrs. Ellen Wunderlich

Service learning coordinator

Mrs. Theresa Wiss