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Mass Cards

A Mass Card, also known as a Mass Offering Card, Memorial Card, or a Remembrance Card, is a card given to someone to let them know that they, or a deceased loved-one, will be remembered and prayed for in the intentions at Mass. Those individuals for whom we receive requests will be remembered in the Masses celebrated by our students and faculty.

Each set of cards contains an acknowledgment card to be sent to the individual or family whom you want remembered, a request card to be returned to our Campus Ministry Office, and two envelopes. Your desire for an intention or remembrance can be indicated on the request card. Our card features the marble statue of the Sacred Heart of Jesus on the Villa campus and this quote by Saint Madeleine Sophie Barat, "Let us love the will of God above all things; let us cling to it no matter what happens, in life, in death, in sickness, in health. This is the source of all peace and happiness."

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Villa Duchesne Mass Cards